You snooze you WIN
Jasmine is said to increase alertness and productivity during the day but will lower anxiety which will help you to sleep deeper and produce a more restful sleep. The smell is delicate and refreshing and has a soothing effect on the body and mind.
Lavender is well known for its sleep inducing aroma. It is slows down your heart rate and lowers blood pressure and your stress levels. A study actually found that it reduced crying in babies and helped them to sleep. In women, lavender facilitates light sleep and decreases rapid-eye movement during sleep. It also reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and shortens the amount of time required to wake up after falling asleep.
Snake Plant thrives on carbon monoxide at night and turns it into oxygen. Increased oxygen levels lead to a better nights sleep. It also cleans airborne toxins like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene. They are very easy to take care of and need little watering.
Aloe Vera is great for those of us who aren't great at keeping plants alive. It's beneficial because as the sun goes down, it exhales oxygen which increases the amount of oxygen in the air. This means an easier time sleeping, and is especially great if you suffer from sleep apnea. The gel from the Aloe plants can treat burns, insect bites, dry skin and much more.
English Ivy Plant is one of NASA's personal favorites. NASA actually takes this plant into space because its just that good at air purification. It is easy to grow and is a great air purifier. It helped ease breathing problems and conditions like asthma in some. Studies have shown it can reduce mold in the air by 94% within a span of 12 hours of being inside a room.
Peace Lily is beautiful and functional. It is able to filter the air inside your house in two dangerous compounds: benzene and formaldehyde. It will also help add a bit of humidity back to rooms that are too dry. Maybe around 5-10%. This could help with dry mouth or dry skin. They are very easy to maintain.
Bamboo Palm is a tropical plant that will purify the air and remove unwanted smells.
Gardenia have a wonderful fragrance. They are effective in treating insomnia and poor sleep. It has been found to be as effective as Valium in relieving anxiety and promoting sleep. They need a lot of bright indirect sunlight and proper care. Possibly not a good plant for a novice. Merely smelling the flower will sedate you, making it easy for you to sleep. Some even use the flower in place of sleeping pills. It's eco-friendly and natural.
Spider Plant is a powerhouse. It can remove many toxins from the air, especially formaldehyde,, up to 90%. This chemical is a potential carcinogen and is found in most buildings. Common sources of formaldehyde include adhesives, grout and fillers used during construction. Spider plants also absorb odors and fumes, improving overall air quality for you and your family.They are low maintenance so anyone can take care of them.
Valerian is a perennial that blooms in the summer and smells sweet. It requires about 6 hours of full sunlight a day. The blooms were a popular perfume component in the 16th century. The root, on the other hand, was used in tea and tincture to treat insomnia and used for anxiety. If you’re having trouble sleeping, breathing in its scent will speed up the process
Red Edged Dracaena removes many toxins from the air. The Golden Pothos is a hanging plant that requires very little attention.
It can remove almost 9000 micrograms of formaldehyde from the air in as little as 24 hours. It also removes over 70% of airborne benzene in the same time period (1). Air filtration also occurs within its soil. f you live in the city, consider placing it near your bedroom window to detoxify any air that may be coming in.
There are many plants and many uses for them. Whether for it's sleeping properties, air purification or just the wonderful smell and beauty of it's flowers, try some today and improve your bad sleeping patterns.